Monday, October 29, 2012

What should this be titled?

Well, not much to say about my lack of posting. I have been busy , absent minded and avoiding eating healthy and exercising like the plague. I keep saying I'll start tomorrow each time a delicious treat walks my way. Where is my will power, my strength I keep waiting for it to jump up out of nowhere and say HEY , don't eat that ! Not gonna happen. I realized today as I drank my lemon water that I have not been drinking water for quite sometime now. I also realized that I was bombing my healthy eating day in and day out by not planning.

I only have 82 days left until my wedding . I can do some amazing things with my body in that short period of time. If I would only get started and stay on it . Well this morning I am drinking my water, I'm nearly dont with 33 ounces , I just need two more bottles to get me to 100 ounces , the water helps with feeling hungry too , by 7 30 am i would be famished maybe it was thirst in disguise, either way I am going to start afresh and keep it going because I like myself and want to love myself and I'm not all the way there but I'm learning. I am pretty cool u know.

Off to get the girls ready for school and breakfast going thats the news in case you were wondering whats up, now I have the time to focus on myself , for the past two months it was wedding wedding wedding , I hired all my vendors and figured out so much , now i can kind of relax and take my time cuz i'm about half way done with the planning. Sure i have things to do and figure out but not as hardcore as before.

To do list today:
Finish laundry ( there is enough to put away to clothe the whole block for a day.
Stay on task with eating right and workin out .
Call Sax guy to confirm tomorrow nights appt.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

93 days until the wedding!

Eggs, protein shake for breakfast, walk the dog for 20 minutes

Monday, October 15, 2012

Weigh in day..

Today I start fresh again, I will stop at publix and weigh in take the girls to school and be about my business on this very busy day. I hope i didnt gain too much darnit::: ok i weighed in at 218 hope to be at 199 by december 1st that gives me 45/6 weeks  days to lose 19 lbs 3 lbs a week? I can do this i'm pretty sure if i hit it hard core!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Another Day in Paradise

Today is Sunday and its the day we take our engagement photos at 4 pm. I'm very excited/nervous. We need to clean our room before the shoot as it is quite dusty and starting to look like hoarding buried alive from all the wedding decorations I am accumulating . I still have 97 days to go. We have selected a caterer, had our tasting, met with our pastor and had our first counseling. I have the flower girl dresses and my wedding dress , veil and accessories here at the house as well. I have my sister's MOH dress here as well. I am pretty excited and have completely let my healthy lifestyle go by the wayside never to return . I have 3 months to get into some kind of sexy shape so Monday morning let the games begin (again) this will be my 3rd and final attempt at looking great this time I believe I will keep it off because I have a serious goal that I can't turn back on . My ONLY WEDDING! Ok the girls are in their room cleaning it up and I"m going to do the same then its off to watch hotel transylvania. I did my pedi last night , I'll paint my fingernails a pale pink and put my make up on around 2 then its off to the beach for our engagement shoot. We will have a drink or two prior as I feel a tad uncomfortable making out with my fi in front of a camera.. wish me luck and I'll let you know how it went !