Friday, August 24, 2012
I gained weight.
Oh, poor me , what a sad day I'm back up to 217.5. blah blah blah, I know why it happened, I knew it was going to happen and allowed myself to continue to be a dummy. Ok I was menstrual , I had cravings and I gave in. Also it was a rough week , my kids have been home and my whole routine has been thrown off, my house is a wreck and I have tons more to do , more cooking , more laundry , and a lot less "me" time. So I'm going to clean my house, gather my thoughts replan my days and get in gear for the rest of this journey with my kids in tow. I only gained 1.5 pounds . It is probably only water weight and if I do great this week I can most likely blast it all away. Wish me Luck.. :) No, I don't need luck, wish me determination and gogettemnes. :)